The dictionary database is available to license in tab separated plain text and MySQL formats for use with standard database engines. This is ideal for web applications, and the tables can also easily be imported into SQLite.
A subset of the available information can be accessed by the simple online demo. The demo does not show related words information and is running using an old version of the database.
You can see the table structures in the SQL base file. The database files that are supplied are simple tab separated plain text files with the content of the various SQL tables. For example see the small word types table. The demo above shows the sort of SQL commands that can be used to extract information from the database.
The usage field is a sum of the following spelling/usage flags: British (UK+Commonwealth except Canada) (2), American (4), Canadian (8), UK only (16), Australian (32), Irish (64), New Zealand (128), South Africa (256), Asia (512), Vulgar (1024), Offensive (2048), Archaic (4096), Non-standard (8192), Dialect (16384), high-frequency (32768). Zero indicates the word is international.
Synonyms can be obtained by identifying word senses with the same ID field. The ID field also indexes the definitions. Usage examples for a particular word sense are indexed by the word_sense field.
The see_also and antonym tables relate word senses to each other via their word_sense fields. The other related type tables (similar words, type of, part of) relate word groups (synonymous words that share a definition) to each other via their ID fields. Types and Parts can be obtained simply by using the columns of the type_of and part_of tables in the reverse order.
Word senses are indexed both by an exact word string, word, and also an equiv_word field which is the same word but in upper case with any punctuation and accents removed - useful for looking for words when the exact punctuation (hyphenation etc.) is not known.
Use the demo above to look up a word and see the kind of SQL command that can be used to easily extract information from the database.
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